Cinical Biochemestry & Neurofeedback Science Biochimie Clinică & Știința Neurofeedback

Look beyond the symptom​

Cu Biochimia clinică și Știința Neurofeedback-ului, tu, în calitate de practician în domeniul sănătății, te scufunzi adânc în patofiziologia bolilor, căutând cauze, modele, semnificații și conexiuni.

Pe baza anumitor meta modele pe care le înveți, cBNS îți permite să plasezi toate simptomele și cauzele într-o secvență de timp logică. Acest lucru creează o cronologie a omului și a stării sale și nu doar un fragment fără context.

CBNS te ajută să înțelegi cum OMNIS ajunge la concluzii și, de asemenea, îți spune unde să cauți în rezultatele și panourile din OMNIS.

Devino expert CBNS


Clientul tău si cu tine. examinați ce factori mecanici, biochimici și sociali sunt cauza plângerilor lui. Simptomul este adesea un semn al unei probleme profunde. Vei folosi un tratament dovedit științific, bazat pe sociologie, neurologie, endocrinologie, psihologie și imunologie, pentru a-i rezolva structural problema.


Tratându-ți clientul în conformitate cu știința clinică multidisciplinară BNS, poți aborda preventiv și curativ cauzele bolii sau tulburării, poți elabora un plan personal unic de terapie cu cBNS, poți oferi clientului dumneavoastră mai multă înțelegere de sine și stimula conformitatea cu terapia.


Aolo unde furnizorii tradiționali de asistență medicală tratează o plângere, un terapeut sau un medic cBNS procedează invers: tratează-ți clientul cu ajutorul plângerii sale. Cu ajutorul cunoștințelor, și abilităților dobândite prin cBNS , îi oferi clientului controlul asupra vieții și sănătății sale.


Just as every client is different, so is every treatment. To allow your client’s natural healing process to function optimally again, you use lifestyle and biorhythm modifications, nutrition, exercise coaching, social interventions and vibrational care methods or vibrational protocols.


You may say goodbye to your client faster than you’re used to. Not because he doesn’t want to come back, but because his symptoms have been solved. CBNS teaches to give control over his health back to the client and make him therapeutically independent.


Corpul uman prezintă simptome deoarece persoana a pierdut calea corectă. Simptomul oferă de fapt o oportunitate de a face o schimbare în comportament. În schimbare stă soluția și cea mai mică schimbare poate duce la cea mai mare diferență.

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Învățarea este interactivă

Pe bună dreptate ești exigent. Îți captăm atenția și îmbunătățim eficiența învățării tale.

Training video interactiv

Citește activ, ia notițe, participă!

Pentru prima dată, studenții pot întrerupe videoclipul și interacționa cu conținutul pe loc. Îți poți testa cunoștințele cu chestionare și poți fi informat prin articole relevante din videoclip!


Slides & Documents

Avem tot ce ai nevoie pentru a-ți începe studiile!

Cursanții au acces la toate prezentările și documentele, pot naviga cu ușurință prin prezentare, pot lua note, pot citi știri relevante pentru fiecare capitol și multe altele.


Examene și certificări

Învață, susține examene, fă-ți temele și ia certificatele!

Cunoștințele dumneavoastră vor fi testate dacă doriți să obțineți o diplomă. Creăm teste și certificări separate. Avem, de asemenea, un flux de lucru integrat pentru misiuni deschise.

The aim of this study is to train as many therapists and doctors as possible in clinical BNS (cBNS), as developed over the years in the QX World devices by Prof. Desirée Dubounet and his teachers worldwide. In this way, many more patients and clients can be helped in a truly integrated way; cBNS gives the possibility to identify the causes and the black box of even complex diseases and to influence them in an optimal way with your device and additional lifestyle advice. A second, and even important goal, is to be able to offer a unique concept for the prevention of all kinds of preventable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and obesity. And remember, cBNS is not alternative medicine, but an evidence-based science with a very clear central moto: ‘The only real medicine, is medicine that cures people structurally’.

Admission to training requires a basic knowledge of health and the human body. As the training focuses on the integration of many scientific studies (e.g., psycho-neuro-immunology) in the QX World devices and Omnis software, possession of a device is highly recommended.

It is not mandatory to take part in the exams. If the student has taken at least 80% of all classes he or she will receive a certificate of participation. If you want to take an exam, you can register via an enrollment form. In order to take the exam, the student must have completed 80% of all modules. The costs of the practical exam are € 250, -. The exam consists of a written and a practical part. At the end of the year there will be a practical exam with a real patient plus a theory exam with another 30 multiple choice questions. The practical exam is based on a real patient within a real clinical BNS consultation. When the exam is passed successfully, the title “Therapist in clinical Biochemistry and Neurofeedback Science” may be used. Failure to pass the exams has no other consequences than that the student may, at a time to be determined, be given a retake.

Dates of the exams will be communicated by email in the spring.

As indicated, as soon as possible the training will be given in the form of combined didactics. On site in our classroom in Budapest and with the possibility to take the course live online. There will be people who absolutely do not want to come together in larger groups. The group of people who only want to take online lessons can do so without any problem. All lessons will be recorded. The 80% attendance (online and/or live) will of course continue to apply in order to obtain the diploma. This is needed to take the exam.

Wim Verschelden

Professional experience:

  • Ford Motor Company (Antwerp, Belgium) (2 years), logistics department – responsible for the roll-out of Videotex search engine for stock with colleague Ford dealers and data analyst of the DOE order entry system.
  • Logistics Manager Belgium Luxembourg at Beherman Auto, Mazda Division during 2 years.
  • Logistics Manager Benelux at Novartis Consumer Health 1995-2003, during which I spent 7 months in Switzerland as International Demand Manager on the production site in Nyon (near Geneva). Spearheaded multiple ERP system migrations (see supra): BPCS, JD Edwards and SAP (Logistics and Warehouse modules).
  • Distribution Manager in VF Europe 2003-2004 where I managed the largest European Distribution Center in St-Niklaas (Belgium).
  • While studying and learning to work with the SCIO, earned my living in an Interim job at Bettr Logistics, short term managing a Distribution Warehouse for Ontex 2004-2005.
  • Finally started my Private Practice in Natural Health in 2005 to this date – currently specialised in Biofeedback and Orthomolecular Medicine and clinical Psycho Neuro Endocrino Immunology.
  • Since 2007 I started tutoring and training my Biofeedback colleagues, at first only in Belgium (Quantum Tech), later on also in The Netherlands, currently writing the Training Modules of clinical Biochemistry and Neuro feedback Science (cBNS) to be taught in Budapest for QXWorld.

Specific Education related to my current Private Practice in Natural Medicine:

  • Degree in Natural Health at the European Academy, Antwerp (Belgium) 2001-2005.
  • Degree in Oligotherapy (RP Vitamino) 2004-2005.
  • Successfully passed the Entry Exam to be a validated member in the Natural Health Association Gezondheidsbegeleiders (VGB) (2005)
  • Multiple Education Modules to be able to work professionally with the SCIO – Indigo, Eindhoven (The Netherlands) and Budapest (Hungary) supervised by The Quantum Alliance + a two month internship with an esteemed colleague in Colorado, US (2005-2006).
  • Degree in Orthomolecular Medicine, 2010 at Natura Foundation, The Netherlands.
  • Degree in Clinical Psycho Neuro Endocrino Immunology, 2016 at Natura Foundation, The Netherlands.
  • Degree in Resiliance Consultant, 2017 at Healthspan-pro, led by Dr. Herlinde Wynants.
  • Mastercourse Sexual Hormonal Pathways, 2017 at Natura Foundation, The Netherlands.
  • Currently in 2nd year at Eduarta (Steiner background), Belgium to obtain a Pedagody degree (4 years Education Course)…
  • To be continued…