Devenez un héros de la santé grâce au biofeedback - Les problèmes intestinaux comme cause de la cause par Botan Diler

15dec5:00 pm7:30 pmDevenez un héros de la santé grâce au biofeedback - Les problèmes intestinaux comme cause de la cause par Botan Diler

Event Details

As part of the Biofeedback philosophy, we are trained to always look beyond the symptom, investigate the root cause and deal with the stress factor associated. In this webinar we invite you to dig deeper and unravel progressive ways to get a better insight into your clients’ stress reactivity profile, by learning how stress affects the gut and how to use the gut-brain connection in order to alleviate stress, and work with the root cause. With this knowledge, you can use the Biofeedback Technology in a more thorough and easy way to tackle the problems of your clients in order to restore their wellbeing and independence.



December 15, 2022 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm

Ticket Section Title

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