Jou uiteindelike hoë-end energiebalanseringstelsel

Elevate Your Experience with QUEX ED® Advanced Technology!

Work Smarter, Achieve More with QUEX ED®!

Reimagine relaxation and energy visualization with QUEX ED® . This system is designed to enhance your workflow intelligently, offering detailed energetic renderings from both micro and macro perspectives. With the integration of advanced, augmented insights, QUEX ED® is equipped with the most comprehensive and interconnected software for holistic health knowledge in the industry. Its unique design is aimed at broadening your expertise to levels never before seen in the industry.

  • OMNIS Software

    Includes all necessary modules for a fully integrated experience.

  • 3 frekwensie opwekkers

    Operates three generators simultaneously for both input and output

  • 1 Hz-2.500.000 Hz

    The broadest frequency range available in the market

  • EEG/ECG/EMG skyfie

    Features top-of-the-line EEG, ECG, and EMG chips, ensuring safety and effectiveness

  • Alleenstaande Toepassings

    Comes with inclusive apps like Anti-s and Prayer

Ontmoet die QUEX ED®

Designed exclusively for relaxation and energy visualization. This device revolutionizes holistic practices with its unique features:

Holistic Linking: Integrates all aspects of holistic health seamlessly.

Total Approach: Provides a comprehensive solution for energetic well-being.

Multitask Capability: Efficiently manages multiple tasks simultaneously.

Transformative: Changes the way you engage with and manage holistic health.

Verenig jou werkvloei

Die QUEX ED®lewer die eerste verenigde werkvloei – wat beide ontspannende en energievisualisering op een werkstasie kombineer. Dit is die oplossing wat 'n kombinasie van verskillende energieke toestelle in jou praktyk vervang, wat die behoefte uitskakel vir 'n veelvuldige toestelopstelling of om na 'n ander werkstasie te skuif om bykomende inligting te sien.

Sien wat jy nog nie van tevore gesien het nie

Everything you see in the extended Omnis software is sharp and precise. That is because every QUEX ED® is calibrated to meet the highest standards in energetic training and to guarantee consistent, perceptually feedback – an industry first.

Raak gewoond daaraan om gemaklik te werk

Die QUEX ED® is ontwerp met verbeterde kliëntervaring in gedagte, wat 'n mens se natuurlike energieveld weerspieël om jou leeservaring te optimaliseer:

Kry meer waarde vir jou geld

'n Universele energieke toestel, QUEX ED® is 'n eenmalige belegging wat 'n leeftyd sal hou.

Powering the most comprehensive and interconnecting
holistic health system in the market

Verstaan die

Aangegryp om die onsigbare te sien

Een van die basiese beginsels van QX World se OMNIS-sagteware, is die gebruik en koppeling van verskeie bekende perspektiewe in holistiese kennis. Hierdie abstrakte sienings, wat inhoudsvensters groepeer wat logies bymekaar hoort, kan dan as een element gebruik word, en as sodanig aangespreek word tydens jou energieke opleiding. Perspektiewe kan óf deur die sagteware gegenereer word óf deur die gebruiker geskep word, afhangende van die gebruiker se kennis en/of die doel van die opleiding.

Kragtiger en meer doeltreffend

Die kragtige QX World OMNIS-sagteware sal jou bedryfsdoeltreffendheid ’n hupstoot gee en sal jou baie ure se kosbare tyd bespaar. Danksy die stelsel se gevorderde vermoëns en koppeling tussen verskillende kennismodelle, hoef jy nie meer diep in elke holistiese gesondheidsorgkennis te gaan duik om al die inligting self te genereer en te bemeester nie.

Tyd getoets

QX World se OMNIS is die resultaat van meer as tien jaar se intensiewe navorsing en ontwikkeling en baie jare se sterk verbintenis tot die gesondheidsorgbedryf. Hierdie soliede kundigheid het ontwikkel tot 'n hoogs betroubare sagteware wat maksimum uptyd vir jou energieke visualisering en terapie bring.

Langtermyn ondersteuning

QX World’s Software Care program assures that via 6-monthly version updates for the OMNIS software and with it the complete database system is kept secure, and new feature improvements are added to answer your evolving session needs.

Geïntegreerde modules

"Biofeedback Interface Graphics" (BIG)

Curious to see how your device performs in real time? Our Biofeedback Interface Graphics (BIG) module is designed for just that! Monitor the device's output, connection status, and immediate feedback—all integrated seamlessly with our OMNIS software. Using techniques inspired by traditional biofeedback, the BIG module assists users in achieving a greater sense of balance and self-awareness. It helps them understand and manage their responses, enhancing their connection with their inner capabilities. This comprehensive tool is an excellent way to support your journey towards optimal personal wellness.


Transform the way clients view their wellness pathways with the Body Viewer. This tool enriches OMNIS sessions by providing high-quality visual enhancements and a 3D experience that incorporates visualization and guided imagery for balanced wellness. With a comprehensive library of audio-visual materials enriched with vibrational and auditory stimuli, the Body Viewer deeply involves clients in their wellness process. It constantly syncs with OMNIS for tailored session adaptations, offering both manual and automated protocol flows to enhance personal well-being.

"Degen Scan"

A supporting program that works with subtle impulses and allows for the possibility to work on an existing concern, if known, to apply light entrainment. From user friendly design, multiple training threads, to checks focused on emotional versus physical stressors, the Degen Scan has it all! Degen Scan is built on the same principle as Quantic Biofeedback, helping the practitioner find the causes of distress, work on balancing these factors, and building the path back to wellness from there on.

"Disease Dictionary"

Contrary to what its name states, this OMNIS module is anything but your typical library function. It translates a concern into multiple ways of natural medicine designed to address it and reduce the stress factors associated with it. Click on an item in the list and you are rewarded with a range of natural protocols and advice, from Chinese Oriental Acupuncture, Electroacupuncture, Behavioural Medicine to the more conservatory Medical Definition and Symptom Check. As it runs together with OMNIS and all the other modules, you then have the option to work on multiple concerns at the same time and give your clients the best possible care.

"Home Use"

Intricate part of OMNIS, the Home Use module is “home” to your automated session base, quick and easy to use, one of the most favourite modules amongst our practitioners. You can personalise a session on the spot, choosing from more than 25 protocol options, with individual timings and an overall progress view. Ideal for returning clients that want to work on specific concerns, an impromptu client drop by, or even a self-focused session. Outstanding results while being time efficient!


Complement your OMNIS Software with an additional program that uses the superpowers of Iridology. Working in perfect harmony with your OMNIS, you can simultaneously run the two programs together and use the Iridology to provide light additional focus for an exhaustive range of stress factors. From acupuncture points to specific eye related stress, the Iridology focuses on factors in the following areas: Facial, Eye, Gums, Dental, Quadrant Repair, Eye Hand Coordination, Sacred Geometry, General Anatomy and many more. As easy to use as you can imagine! Choose your protocol, double click and let your QUEX device carry out the optimal balancing!

"Smart Report"

Engage more effectively with your clients using the Smart Report, which simplifies session data into visual, easy-to-understand formats that enhance client interaction and practice growth.

"Smart Report PRO"

Transform your practice with the Smart Report PRO, your ultimate advisor. This advanced tool uses sophisticated AI algorithms to provide comprehensive session summaries, trend analyses, and personalized insights. It learns and adapts to each client, enhancing your therapeutic intuition and expertise with powerful, data-driven support.

Aangegryp om die onsigbare te sien


Om op te hou rook kan stresvol wees. Tog hoef dit nie te wees nie! Met "Anti-S" kan jy nou jou kliënte ondersteun om hul rookdrang te onderdruk, deur die beginsels van Quantum Bioterugvoer te gebruik.

Lees Meer

Almal verdien om geestelik en emosioneel gebalanseerd te voel. En nou kan jy die sleutel kry met "Prayer", ontwerp om ontspanningspraktyke te verdiep, stressors te verminder en die daaglikse pieke en laagtepunte te balanseer.

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Beskikbare Alleenstaande Toepassings

Die "S-enso" is ontwerp om 'n diep ontspanningsproses te fasiliteer deur gebruik te maak van subtiele vibrasie-herpatroon-moontlikhede van die QUEX-stelsels. Hierdie toonaangewende tegnologie is die eerste van sy soort wat werk met die ontspanning van die spiere wat gesigslyne, plooie en ongesonde patrone van vashou, terwyl dit ook interne geloofstelsels aanspreek wat stres en spanning veroorsaak.

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Hardeware Kenmerke

Tegnologieë wat produktiwiteit verhoog

3 frekwensie opwekkers
Protocols are done on different threads, simultaneously from the 3 frequency generators, which adapt to the response the system receives through the harnesses
Lissajous, Programmeerbare Golfvorms, Vierkant, Spike, Sinus, Saw
Die Lissajous-kromme wat die toestel kan produseer, beskryf die komplekse harmoniese beweging wat geskep word wanneer die 3 frekwensiegenerators saamwerk met 'n frekwensieverskil tussen die 3 en konstante aanpassing
Frekwensie reeks: 1 Hz – 2.5 Mhz
Hoër frekwensies dek 'n reeks stresverwante aspekte wat aangespreek kan word
EEG/ECG/EMG skyfie
'n Skyfie gemeet en goedgekeur volgens die huidige regulasies en standaarde om veilig en effektief te wees om te gebruik
Eie bedryfstelsel
Die toestel se eie bedryfstelsel maak tegnologiese ontwikkelings maklik; die toestel kan aanpas by nuwe vereistes sonder fisiese veranderinge
Verbeterde kommunikasie
Die kommunikasie tussen die toestel en die rekenaar is 2 keer vinniger in vergelyking met die vorige model
Steekproef funksie
Presiese steekproeffunksie, wat die kwaliteit van die metings aansienlik verhoog
Ontwerpte Toets Plaat
Ontwerp om die verbinding vir die bykomstighede in te sluit, wat deur veiligheidspiesangproppe verbind word. Dit kan die seine wat gestuur en ontvang word interpreteer in 'n hoër resolusie as enige ander toestel op die mark

Tegnologieë en sertifisering wat sekuriteit verbeter

Beveiligde "banana plugs"
'n Skyfie gemeet en goedgekeur volgens die huidige regulasies en standaarde om veilig en effektief te wees om te gebruik
IEC 60601-1
Getoets en goedgekeur vir Mediese elektriese toerusting Deel 1-6, Algemene vereistes vir veiligheid – Kollaterale Standaard: Bruikbaarheid
IEC 60601-2-26
Getoets en goedgekeur vir Besondere vereistes vir die basiese veiligheid en noodsaaklike werkverrigting van elektro-enkefalograwe
EN 60601-1-2:2015
Getoets en goedgekeur vir 30-1000 MHz, Klas A, Getoets en goedgekeur vir Modulasie: PM 18Hz en 217Hz, Getoets en goedgekeur vir 6 Veff 0.15 – 80 MHz Modulasie: 1 kHz, 80 % AM, Getoets en goedgekeur vir ±15 kV lug , ±8 kV kontak

Wat is ingesluit

  • QUEX ED toestel

    Alleenstaande toetsplaat





  • USB kabel

    Konnekteer die QUEX ED toestel met jou rekenaar

  • Rekenaarsak

  • Installasie media

2 jaar waarborg vir die toestel

6-maande waarborg vir die harnasse