Let' Resonate - Comment le biofeedback est-il adapté aux animaux ?

Biofeedback not only works wonders for humans but for animaux également. For them, biofeedback can act as a mouthpiece, telling their owner what is troubling them. Biofeedback can even help us understand what changes an animal may need to become healthier. There are multiple types of biofeedback training out there, but in our experience, quantum biofeedback entrainment proves particularly effective avec various kinds of animaux. 

Biofeedback can work for all animals

From mice to horses: all kinds of animals can benefit from séance de biofeedbacks. At QX World, we’ve seen hundreds of animals over the years whose medication started to work more effectively thanks to repeated biofeedback sessions. 

What is quantum biofeedback?

Tout comme les humains, les animaux ont ce que les scientifiques du biofeedback appellent un corps électrique. Dans un corps sain, toutes les cellules fonctionnent à leur fréquence idéale, comme le veut la nature. Mais lorsque le corps devient stressé ou anxieux, allergique, dépendants ou malade, les cellules qui composent le cerveau, le corps et le système immunitaire peuvent se mettre à vibrer différemment. Elles émettent des ondes électromagnétiques déséquilibrées.  

By sending electric pulses through the body, a biofeedback quantique device sets out to re-educate the body. A loop of carefully constructed ondes électromagnétiques is directed through the body, trying to harmonize the cells that have imbalanced frequencies. It requires no special efforts on the animal’s side at all. 

What is a biofeedback session for animals like?

For biofeedback to take maximum effect, it is of crucial importance that the animal finds itself in a détendu state. It is recommended for owners be involved in the session, as most pets are reassured by their presence. 


In some cases, letting the session take place in a espace familier, instead of moving to a specific location, is necessary to prevent the animal from becoming anxious. Some animals respond better when they can move freely; others feel more relaxed and secure in a cage or container.  


An experienced therapist will take the time to show the animal the harness before putting it on, letting them sniff it to get familiar with it. 


If an animal starts showing signs of stress during the session, a solution can be to run some of the device’s relaxation protocols. Usually, within 15 to 20 minutes, they will start to calm down and they may even fall asleep. 

Biofeedback is non-invasive

Because biofeedback is non-invasive and has pas d'effets secondaires, it is perfectly harmless. We can safely assume that les humains et les animaux partagent la même expérience when it comes to quantum biofeedback. Most people who undergo these special sessions do not feel a thing when hooked up to the quantum biofeedback device. Some report a warm and pleasant sensation not unlike taking a bath.  

Questions? We’re happy to help

Of course, consulting with a vet and getting in touch with l' right biofeedback practitioner for you and your pet is highly recommended. If you have any questions or need help finding a suitable therapist, our experts are at your service. Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. 

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