Biofeedback, or better said, quantum biofeedback, can work wonders for humans. But does it work on animals as well? That’s a great question. Animals, after all, are unable to tell us what is troubling them, let alone understand what changes they need to become healthier. However, the answer is yes! Quantum biofeedback is even perfectly suited for animals, specifically because it speaks to the unconscious mind.

Therapy that goes beyond the surface

Animals may not be able to tell us what’s wrong, but there is no need for that: quantum biofeedback is specially designed to tap into the subconscious. An advanced type of biofeedback, quantum biofeedback is based on gentle electrical pulses that speak to the unconscious parts of the brain. Quantum biofeedback therapy requires no special efforts on the client’s (or animal’s) side at all.

The body as an electric circuit

Curious about the workings of quantum biofeedback? It all comes down to understanding the body as being an electric circuit. Just like humans, animals have what quantum biofeedback scientists call a body electric. In a healthy body, all cells operate at their ideal frequency, as nature intends them to do. But when the body becomes stressed or anxiousallergicaddicted or ill, the cells that make up the brain, body and immune system can start to vibrate differently. They emit electromagnetic waves that are imbalanced.

The quantum biofeedback device, then, applies principles of electric engineering. By sending electric pulses through the body, the device attempts to filter what’s wrong. In addition to shining a light on health problems, quantum biofeedback therapy sets out to re-educate the body. By directing another loop of carefully constructed electromagnetic waves through the body, the device tries to rebalance the cells that have abnormal frequencies.

Is it painful? Not at all!

Many owners come to us asking whether quantum biofeedback therapy is painful for their pet. But you can rest assured. It is safe to assume that humans and animals share the same experience when it comes to quantum biofeedback. Most people who undergo this special type of therapy do not feel a thing when hooked up to the quantum biofeedback device. Some report a tingling sensation. 

Relaxation is key

It is of crucial importance that the animal finds itself in a relaxed state for quantum biofeedback therapy to take maximum effect. Therefore, it may prove more interesting to bring the needed equipment to the animal, instead of moving the animal to a specific therapy location. This will prevent the animal from getting stressed (or, in some cases, overly excited). Furthermore, letting the therapy take place in a familiar space is likely to produce the best results. Finally, we recommend involving the owner in the therapy as well. For most pets, their presence in the room reassures them that all is well.

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