METAMIND #8 - Aging: Beauty Through Inner Health and Bi-Face, the Multifaceted Symmetry

08may5:00 pm6:30 pmMETAMIND #8 - Aging: Beauty Through Inner Health and Bi-Face, the Multifaceted Symmetry

Event Details

Embark on a rejuvenating journey as we explore Aging, discovering the profound link between aging gracefully and nurturing inner well-being, while also unraveling the intricate connection between aging and bi-faced symmetry. Join us in deciphering the layers of aging, embracing transformative perspectives, and unlocking the secrets to radiant beauty and vitality.

This journey promises not only a deeper understanding of beauty and aging but also the empowerment to embrace each stage of life with grace and confidence.



May 8, 2024 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Ticket Section Title

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Tickets are not available for sale any more for this event!

Speakers for this event

  • Carol Wilcock

    Carol Wilcock

    Carol has been in healthcare since 1987. During her youth, her unique family utilized natural medicine as often as possible in their daily life and many are western medicine professionals. Her father envisioned and promoted Integrative medical clinics as a hospital administrator.  This foundation combined with extensive experience in nursing in many different settings and education has given Carol the ability to look at healthcare from a client, consumer perspective. She advocates putting the client as a priority before any theory, therapy, technology, training, programming or indoctrination that so many practitioners rely on and are so heavily invested in. Her belief that “It’s not about what I learned or what your other practitioners think, it’s about what you need”, has been the cornerstone of conversations with clients for decades. This compassion for people was amplified as she began using quantum biofeedback in 2002 and saw how it can be utilized as a tool for client awareness and education. Since that time, she has incorporated many trainings and technologies  to help her clients become as healthy as possible and as quickly as possible. Her faith and understanding in the ability for people to become whole and thrive is the foundation for her practice. This passion is now amplified to the students who are part of The Quantum Results Institute and committed to helping their clients find healthy solutions, too. When not at her clinic, Dynamic Health Technologies in Helena, MT – USA, she can be found with her husband, Brent, their 4 children and 6 grandkids in the mountains that surround her.

  • Margrét Margrétardottir

    Margrét Margrétardottir

    Margret is a dynamic speaker and trainer with a remarkable journey of personal transformation and a deep passion for helping others. Her sporting background and experience as a handball trainer in Iceland and Norway laid the foundation for her dedication to physical well-being. 


    From 1994 onwards, Margret embarked on a life of travel and exploration, residing in various countries with her family. However, in 1995, a severe accident in Iceland left her with health challenges that surpassed the capabilities of traditional medicine. 


    Everything changed for Margret in 2005 when she encountered an exceptional practitioner in Iceland who introduced her to the SCIO biofeedback technology. Under this practitioner’s care, her life underwent a remarkable shift, leading her on a path to her own healing. 


    Intrigued and inspired, Margret purchased her first SCIO device in 2006 and embarked on an incredible journey of knowledge expansion. She found joy and fulfillment in delving deep into the intricacies of the technology, driven by a desire to unlock its potential for healing and transformation. 


    Margret’s association with the industry began in early 2007 when she joined as a valuable team member, providing assistance with courses and technical support. She considers herself blessed to have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with exceptional instructors, whose guidance has made her journey both thrilling and rewarding. In 2007, she became an NTCB/QA instructor, assuming responsibility for training and technical support in Scandinavia and Iceland. Margret’s teaching engagements at the academy in Budapest commenced in 2008, enabling her to share her knowledge and expertise in captivating locations worldwide. 


    Her affinity for working with animals developed in 2001 when one of her dogs developed epilepsy. Seeking solutions, Margret explored nutrition and alternative methods to enhance animal well-being and manage diseases. While living on the Azores, specifically the Island of Sao Miguel, with her family, she actively engaged in helping homeless and sick animals, even working as an assistant at a veterinarian clinic. This experience transformed Margret’s perspective on life and ignited her own healing process. The resilience and unwavering spirit of animals taught her invaluable lessons about perseverance and hope. To further their mission, her family established an animal organization on the Azores, enabling them to make a greater impact. 


    Since the fall of 2011, Margret has predominantly resided in Portugal, where she has seized numerous opportunities to work closely with animals, particularly horses. Her time in Portugal has been a catalyst for her continued growth and expertise in animal care. 


    Margret is an esteemed teacher and instructor at the QX WORLD Health Academy, recognized for her exceptional expertise and profound understanding of biofeedback technologies. Her extensive knowledge and hands-on experience with the QUEX biofeedback technology have made her an invaluable asset to the academy. As a passionate educator, Margret imparts her wisdom and practical insights to students, guiding them on a transformative journey of understanding and mastery in the field of health and wellness. Through her engaging teaching style and dedication to empowering others, Margret continues to inspire aspiring practitioners and contribute to the growth and development of the next generation of biofeedback professionals through her role at the QX WORLD Health Academy. 


    Margret’s profound personal transformation and the extraordinary impact of the QUEX biofeedback technology have fueled her unwavering passion for sharing knowledge and empowering others. The technology has not only revolutionized her own health but has also introduced her to a network of remarkable individuals who have enriched her life in countless ways.